Indo-Pacific Clean Energy Supply Chain Forum

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet confirming that Sydney Australia will host event on July 12-13, 2022.

The world’s most influential business, technology and finance leaders will gather in Sydney to accelerate the clean energy transition underway across the Indo-Pacific.

The Indo-Pacific Clean Energy Supply Chain Forum – an Australian led regional initiative – will address innovative ways for business, governments and other sectors to realise the economic opportunities of clean energy through competitive and open markets.

The Forum will be an invite only event and co-hosted by the Australian Government and the International Energy Agency, in partnership with the Business Council of Australia. Importantly, it will complement and feed into the deliberations of governments, particularly through Indonesia’s 2022 G20 Presidency.

The Indo-Pacific is the world’s fastest growing region and consumer of half of global energy. The development and deployment of reliable and low cost clean energy technologies and creation of secure and diverse clean energy supply chains is critical to economic prosperity, and achieving global climate commitments. 

Dr Alan Finkel AC, Special Adviser to the Australian Government on Low Emissions Technology and former Chief Scientist, has been appointed by the Prime Minister to Chair a high level panel of eminent global experts in low emissions technology, finance, industry and research to ensure the Forum delivers meaningful outcomes that make a difference to every day Australians and our regional neighbours.


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